Thomas Micchelli is a painter, sculptor, and writer. He was born in Newark, NJ, and earned his BFA from Cooper Union, New York, NY, and his MFA from the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. Soon after receiving his undergraduate degree, he became a co-founder of City Without Walls: An Urban Artists Collective, a non-profit gallery and performance space in Newark. More recently, he co-founded and edited Hyperallergic Weekend, an online journal of art, film, and book criticism.

His artwork has been shown in solo and group exhibitions in New York City and elsewhere, including Hal Bromm Gallery, New York, NY; John Davis Gallery, Hudson, NY; Lesley Heller Workspace, New York, NY; and in Brooklyn, NY, at Centotto, Janet Kurnatowski Gallery, Studio 10, Life on Mars, Norte Maar, and Schema Projects. He has published more than 400 art reviews, essays, and interviews in journals including Hyperallergic, The Brooklyn Rail, and Art:21. He has written catalogue essays for galleries and museums in New York City; Stavanger, Norway; Palermo, Sicily; Seoul, South Korea; Aarhus, Denmark; Plüschow, Germany; Newlyn, England; and Tehran, Iran. His book contributions have focused on subjects as diverse as Alice Trumbull Mason, Red Grooms, and Maria Bussmann. He has lectured and given critiques at Pratt Institute, Hunter College, the School of Visual Arts, the Maryland Institute College of Art, Old Dominion University, the Rhode Island School of Design, and Rutgers University. He lives and works in Chatham, NJ.